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If I could give one piece of advice to a younger NHIer it would be to not let the fear of failure, distance, or walking a path untraveled keep them from trying. It is through trial and error that you truly find who you are and realize what you are passionate about. Never be complacent; if you are not being pushed to question and think introspectively, then you are not at the right place.

Anais Carmona

Washington DC

NHI taught me that the success of any community or organization is entirely dependent on the attention and focus given to the assets of that community or organization. If you lament the negative statistics and never identify what makes your endeavor powerful and worthwhile, then how can you effectively and meaningfully challenge perceived social norms and tackle those negative statistics?

Hayden Pendergrass

Annapolis, MD

My entire NHI experience was unforgettable. Many of the people I met my first day of training are still my good friends today. I will always remember the continuing support and encouragement to be more, achieve more and accomplish great things - there was never doubt that all of us would grow up to be successful.

Rebekah Wierson

Houston, TX

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